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  • Forfatters billedePeter F.

Accelerated Aging: 9 Key Risk Factors Causing Premature Death

Opdateret: 30. nov. 2023

Factors causing premature aging

In the course of life, aging seems an inescapable reality. But what if some aspects of aging were not just a natural consequence of time, but influenced significantly by external factors?

Our environment and lifestyle can cause our bodies to wear down faster, accelerating our biological age and resulting in premature death.

From well-known culprits like obesity, smoking and stress to the lesser-discussed factors like particulate pollution, fat milk and alcohol-related cancer risks, our lifestyle choices can have a dramatic impact on our life expectancy.

We'll explore the most significant of these factors and just how much of an impact they have.

#1 Obesity

Line of obese people - a leading cause of early death

Recent Oxford University research shows the significant impact of obesity on life expectancy. Combining data from numerous long-term studies, the findings reveal that moderate obesity reduces life expectancy by about 3 years, while severe obesity can diminish a person's lifespan by as much as 10 years [1].

The study, conducted over a decade and involving a vast number of participants, underscores the critical risk factors of obesity, with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes being the main causes of mortality in severely obese individuals.

Another study confirmed these findings, concluding that extreme obesity could reduce lifespan by as much as 14 years [2].

Life expectancy: Reduction of 3-14 years depending on severity of obesity.

#2 Smoking

Cigarettes are a leading cause of early death

Smoking is another cardinal sin in the field of longevity. It significantly impacts cognitive and cardiovascular health and smokers face a heightened risk of dementia and cognitive decline. Not surprisingly, studies show that lifelong smokers live approximately 10 years less than non-smokers.

The good news is that it’s never too late to quit; quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of smoking-related deaths by about 90% [3, 4, 5]

Life expectancy: Reduction of 6-10 years for lifelong smokers.

#3 Air Pollution

car exhaust causes early death

Areas with heavy air pollution with particulate matter levels above PM2.5 significantly increase risks of early death. One study revealed an 8% increase in breast cancer incidence with higher air pollution.

Another study assessed the epigenetic age in over 2,700 American women exposed to significant particulate air pollutants and found their aging accelerated by up to 6 years. Both results highlight the alarming consequences of air pollutants on biological aging [6, 7, 8]

Life expectancy: Reduction of up to 6 years in most polluted areas.

#4 Diabetes

Diabetes is a æeadomg cause of early death

Diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, can have a significant impact on life expectancy.

Studies on diabetic’s life expectancy are all over the map, ranging from a reduction of 7 years to almost 30 for type I diabetics, with similar results for type II diabetics.

The somewhat good news is that the life expectancy reduction is in the lower end of that range for the most recent studies, as diabetes treatment has become more sophisticated.

Additionally, studies typically work with averages across well- and poorly-managed cases, so if diabetes is managed very well the life expectancy impact may be close to insignificant [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24].

Life expectancy: Wide range with reductions between 0-15 years if poorly managed.

#5 Fatty Milk

Fatty milk in a line - a surpriring cause of eatly death

Several studies have indicated that regular consumption of fatty milk (2% or above) is directly associated with accelerated biological aging, primarily due to its high contents of saturated fat.

This correlation is particularly significant for people who drink fat milk every day. Conversely, drinking low fat or skim milk (<1%) on a daily basis or fat milk less than once per week had minimal impact on biological aging [12].

Interestingly, one US study found that completely abstaining from cow milk also had a negative impact on longevity, which would indicate that low fat milk consumption is the sweet spot to maximize your life expectancy [15].

Life expectancy: Reduction of up to 4 years relative to low fat milk for regular consumers.

#6 Poor Sleep

lack of sleep - a surprising cause of early death

Quality sleep is significantly linked to overall health and longevity and plays a key role in the body's restoration and maintenance processes. According to a 2023 Harvard study, individuals with good sleep habits were less likely to die prematurely.

These included sleeping more than 7 hours per night, having minimal difficulty falling or staying asleep and not using sleep medication. Study participants not adhering to one or more of these habits had a life expectancy decrease of a staggering 4.7 years in men and 2.4 years in women [16, 17].

These findings underscore the importance of prioritizing quality sleep habits for overall health and longevity.

Life expectancy: Reduction of 2.4 - 4.7 years for women and men respectively.

#7 Stress

stressed out man - an unspurprising cause of early death

Stress can significantly impact the aging process. Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, beneficial in the short term but harmful in excess.

Excess stress can shorten our telomeres (a key hallmark of aging) and lead to hormonal imbalances, heart disease, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, and memory loss [12, 13, 14].

Life expectancy: Reduction of 1 year for mild stress and up to 2.8 years for chronic stress.

#8 Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption causes premature death

Heavy alcohol consumption is another cause of premature aging and increased cancer risk.

In a study examining heavy alcohol consumption, individuals showed a significant 2.2-year acceleration in epigenetic age, even after considering factors like gender, race, body mass index, and smoking status. This accelerated aging was more pronounced in individuals with elevated liver enzymes and increased heavy drinking days [9].

Life expectancy: Reduction of 2.2 years, more for really severe cases.

#9 Poor Diet

burgers, pizzas, poor diet takes years off  your life

What you eat can have an inordinate impact on other factors on this list, such as diabetes and obesity, it can also lead to direct inflammatory responses in your body, causing accelerated aging.

A study involving 16,681 participants found that people with diets high in inflammatory foods tended to age faster at a rate of 1 to 1.5 years. Particularly inflammatory foods include saturated fats, sugars, processed ingredients and any animal proteins cooked over dry heat.

On the flip side, diets filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables help prevent premature aging [10, 11].

Life expectancy: Reduction of 1-1.5 years for high intake of inflammatory foods.

Summary of Causes for Premature Aging

Factors in our environment and lifestyle can significantly influence aging, leading to premature death. And while this list is a good starting point to sort out your bad habits, the truth is that every lifestyle choice you make has an impact on your overall health and life expectancy, however small. But rather than droning off forever we cut the list at the top 9.

While trying to optimize for years in your life is good, you also need life in your years. So rather than immediately cutting out all your guilty pleasures, this should rather be a reality check on whether you are heading down a completely wrong path.

To continue the journey and explore more on simple routines to improve your life expectancy and longevity head over to our routines resource to start learning about improving your habits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Top Risk Factors for Accelerated Aging?

Chronic stress, smoking, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, exposure to environmental pollutants, chronic sleep deprivation, obesity, and poor management of chronic health conditions are key risk factors for accelerated aging and premature death.

How Does Smoking Contribute to Premature Aging and Early Death?

Lifelong smoking drastically impacts longevity, reducing life expectancy by 6-10 years. It leads to cognitive decline, cardiovascular issues, and increased dementia risk. However, quitting smoking before 40 dramatically lowers the risk of smoking-related deaths by approximately 90%, offering a substantial benefit even after years of smoking.

Can Poor Diet Lead to Accelerated Aging?

A poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to accelerated aging. It contributes to obesity, inflammation, and increased risk of chronic diseases, all of which are factors in premature aging and death.

What Role Does Stress Play in Accelerated Aging and Reduced Lifespan?

Chronic stress significantly shortens lifespan, leading to a life expectancy reduction of 1-2.8 years. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, beneficial in the short term, can be harmful when in excess, leading to hormonal imbalances, heart disease, high blood pressure, weakened immunity, and memory loss.

How Do Environmental Factors Influence Premature Aging and Early Death?

Exposure to high air pollution, especially particulate matter levels above PM2.5, significantly accelerates aging and can lead to early death, reducing life expectancy by up to 6 years. Studies link increased air pollution to higher breast cancer rates and accelerated aging, as seen in epigenetic changes in American women.

Is There a Link Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Accelerated Aging?

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to accelerated aging by increasing the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, and by reducing muscle mass and bone density, all of which can lead to premature death.

How Significant is Alcohol Consumption as a Risk Factor for Accelerated Aging?

Heavy alcohol consumption accelerates biological aging, reducing life expectancy by about 2.2 years, and potentially more in severe cases. Studies show that heavy drinkers exhibit a marked acceleration in epigenetic aging, even considering factors like gender, race, BMI, and smoking status, with pronounced effects in individuals with elevated liver enzymes.

Does Chronic Sleep Deprivation Contribute to Premature Aging?

Quality sleep is crucial for longevity, with poor sleep habits potentially decreasing life expectancy by 2.4-4.7 years. A 2023 Harvard study emphasizes the importance of sleeping over 7 hours per night, minimal sleep disturbances, and avoiding sleep medication for maintaining health and preventing premature aging.

Can Managing Mental Health Reduce the Risk of Accelerated Aging?

Proper management of mental health can reduce the risk of accelerated aging. Chronic mental health issues can lead to stress-related cellular aging and exacerbate lifestyle factors that contribute to premature aging and death.

What Impact Does Obesity Have on Life Expectancy and Aging?

Obesity significantly reduces life expectancy: moderate obesity can shorten life by about 3 years, while severe obesity may reduce lifespan by up to 10 years. The main causes of mortality in obese individuals include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as confirmed by extensive Oxford University research and other studies.

What is the Effect of Diabetes on Aging and Life Expectancy?

Diabetes can severely impact life expectancy, reducing it by 0-15 years, especially if poorly managed. While recent advancements in treatment have improved outcomes, the life expectancy for diabetics, particularly type I, still varies widely. Well-managed diabetes cases show minimal impact on lifespan, highlighting the importance of effective diabetes management.

How Does Consuming Fatty Milk Affect Biological Aging?

Regular consumption of fatty milk, particularly varieties with 2% fat or higher, is linked to accelerated aging due to high saturated fat levels. This dietary choice can lead to a life expectancy reduction of up to 4 years compared to those who consume low-fat or skim milk daily.

What Effect Does a Poor Diet Have on Aging?

A diet rich in inflammatory foods can significantly hasten aging, potentially reducing life expectancy by 1-1.5 years. Inflammatory foods typically include those high in saturated fats, sugars, and processed ingredients. Conversely, diets abundant in fruits and vegetables can help counteract these effects and prevent premature aging.




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