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Infrared Sauna vs. Dry Sauna: A Scientific Review of Benefits

Opdateret: 20. okt. 2023

Sauna and infrared sauna

Saunas have long been revered for their relaxation and health benefits. While traditional saunas have been popular for centuries, a new player has emerged in recent years - the infrared sauna. Proponents of infrared saunas claim that they offer unique advantages over traditional saunas. In this article, we will delve into the scientific research and explore the benefits of both types of saunas to determine whether infrared saunas truly hold any superiority.

Understanding Traditional Saunas

Traditional saunas, also known as Finnish saunas, have been a part of various cultures for thousands of years. These saunas typically consist of a wooden room with a stove that heats rocks. Water is poured over the hot rocks to create steam, raising the temperature within the sauna. Users experience intense sweating and increased heart rate, similar to the effects of moderate exercise.

The Science Behind Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas, on the other hand, utilize infrared light to generate heat directly on the body without heating the surrounding air. This form of heat penetrates deeper into the skin, resulting in profuse sweating and increased circulation. Infrared saunas operate at lower temperatures than traditional saunas, making them more tolerable for individuals who are sensitive to high heat.

Comparing the Benefits

To evaluate whether infrared saunas offer any advantages over traditional saunas, let's explore the key benefits associated with sauna usage and assess whether infrared saunas excel in each area.

1. Detoxification

Detoxification is often cited as one of the primary benefits of saunas. Traditional saunas induce sweating, which can potentially aid in the elimination of toxins from the body. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support the claim that saunas are effective in detoxifying the body.

Infrared saunas, with their ability to promote profuse sweating, are often believed to enhance detoxification processes even further. While some proponents suggest that the deep penetration of infrared light can aid in the release of toxins stored in fat cells, more research is needed to substantiate these claims.

2. Cardiovascular Health

Regular sauna use has been associated with improved cardiovascular health. Studies conducted on traditional saunas have shown reductions in blood pressure, improved endothelial function, and increased arterial compliance. These benefits are believed to be linked to better sleep, enhanced cardiorespiratory function, and a lower risk of neurocognitive diseases.

Research specifically focused on the cardiovascular effects of infrared saunas is limited. However, the similarities between the physiological responses of traditional saunas and infrared saunas suggest that both types of saunas may confer comparable cardiovascular benefits.

3. Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery

Saunas, including both traditional and infrared saunas, have been reported to provide relief from muscle soreness and aid in post-exercise recovery. The heat generated in saunas helps to relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow to the affected areas.

While traditional saunas are often praised for their effectiveness in pain relief and muscle recovery, there is no substantial evidence to suggest that infrared saunas offer superior benefits in this regard. Both types of saunas can potentially provide relief and aid in muscle recovery.

4. Mental Well-being

Saunas have long been recognized for their relaxation and stress-relieving effects. The warmth and tranquility of saunas can promote a sense of calmness, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being.

Infrared saunas, with their lower temperatures and gentle heat, may be more comfortable for individuals who find the high temperatures of traditional saunas overwhelming. However, the mental benefits of saunas are not exclusive to infrared saunas, and individuals can experience similar relaxation and stress reduction in both types of saunas.

5. Weight Loss and Metabolism

Some sauna enthusiasts claim that saunas, particularly infrared saunas, can aid in weight loss and boost metabolism. The intense sweating induced by saunas is believed to contribute to temporary weight loss through water loss.

While sauna usage may result in short-term weight loss, it is essential to recognize that this weight loss is primarily due to fluid loss and not fat loss. Therefore, saunas should not be relied upon as a primary method for long-term weight management or metabolism enhancement.


In conclusion, the scientific evidence suggests that the benefits of saunas, whether traditional or infrared, are largely similar. While there may be differences in user experience and comfort levels, there is no conclusive evidence to support the claim that infrared saunas offer superior benefits over traditional saunas in terms of detoxification, cardiovascular health, pain relief, mental well-being, and weight loss.

Regardless of the type of sauna you choose, it is crucial to prioritize safety and moderation. Stay hydrated, listen to your body, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions.

Saunas can be a valuable addition to a well-rounded wellness routine, offering relaxation and potential health benefits. Whether you opt for the traditional sauna experience or the gentle warmth of an infrared sauna, both can provide a rejuvenating and enjoyable experience for those seeking a moment of respite and self-care.




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