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  • Forfatters billedePeter F.

Longevity Weekly Recap #1

🔬 Latest Research

🦷 Dental Health: A Japanese pharmaceutical startup, Toregem Biopharma, is gearing up for human trials of a groundbreaking drug that successfully regrew teeth in mice and ferrets. Led by Dr. Katsu Takahashi, the team discovered a gene in mice, USAG-1, that, when suppressed, stimulates tooth growth. They developed a medicine blocking this gene, leading to successful trials in animals. Now, the focus is shifting to healthy adult humans, with clinical trials planned for 2025. Link 🧠 Alzheimer's Research: Anavex Life Sciences has revealed that their experimental drug, blarcamesine, significantly slowed down cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients. In a 48-week study, patients treated with blarcamesine showed significantly better cognitive scores compared to those on a placebo. Remarkably, blarcamesine not only improved cognition but also lowered pathological amyloid beta levels, a key factor in Alzheimer's, and reduced brain volume loss. Link 🧬 Telomere Attrition: Rejuvenation Technologies, a longevity biotech startup, has emerged with $10.6 million in seed funding. Using mRNA-based therapeutics, Rejuvenation aims to rewind 10 years of telomere shortening (thought to be a key driver of aging) with a single dose. Their synthetic mRNA technology shows promising preclinical efficacy, but a long way remains for commercial introduction. Link

💡Interesting Reads

💰 Exploring the world of longevity research: Deep dive on the scientific research, fueled by wealthy investors including Peter Thiel and Larry Page, and how it is pushing the boundaries of human longevity. Despite rising global life expectancy, challenges remain. Evolution, prioritizing reproduction, hasn't designed bodies for perfect longevity. But breakthroughs might be on the horizon as some existing drugs have shown promise in extending life in mice and genetic manipulation and research on centenarians offer insights into combating age-related diseases. Link Startups on a mission to extend lives: The field of longevity biotechnology is rapidly expanding, driven by a focus on extending the period of healthy human life. New approaches, particularly in epigenetic reprogramming, are being explored to modify the aging process at a cellular level and this article explores the technology and models being pursued by eight of the most promising startups in the space. Link


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