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  • Forfatters billedePeter F.

Naturally Rich in NMN: A Guide to 7 Top NMN Foods

Opdateret: 30. nov. 2023

Naturally Rich in NMN: A Guide to 7 Top NMN Foods

In the realm of cellular health, Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) has been shown to play a significant role, and consequently boosting our intake may have significant impact on our longevity.

While quality NMN supplements are readily available at reasonable prices most places, the question remains whether the prescribed levels of NMN for longevity effects can be reached via more natural food sources.

Spoiler -- while theoretically feasible, you'd probably have a whole different set of dietary issues if you managed to reach the suggested levels of NMM via food-intake alone. However, that doesn't mean that food sources cannot make a good supplement.

Potential Longevity Benefits of NMN

In the context of cellular health, NMN plays a significant role in mitigating the decline of NAD+ levels associated with accelerated biological aging. Research suggests several potential NMN benefits linked to NMN supplementation, making it a topic of scientific interest.

That's to be explored in-depth elsewhere, for now suffice to say that these potential advantages include:

  • Improved insulin sensitivity

  • Suppressed age-related weight gain

  • Enhanced energy production and muscle endurance

  • Improved mitochondrial function

  • Enhanced eye health

  • Prevention of age-related DNA mutations

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Enhanced memory function

Top 7 NMN-Rich Foods

In reviewing top NMN-rich foods we need a yard stick to assess the proportions of NMN in each food source relative to the recommended daily intake for longevity purposes.

While there is no established optimal daily dosage for NMN (more research is required in humans), longevity researchers suggest that a daily NMN intake of 200-500 mg is in the appropriate range - in the lower end if you're below the age of 35, and higher end if you're above.

"daily NMN intake of 200-500 mg is in the appropriate range - in the lower end if you're below the age of 35, and higher end if you're above"

This number is, however, largely extrapolated from animal studies (where NMN has significant impact on lifespan and health), and some experts believe that even higher doses of NMN may be even better suited for humans [1, 2].

Fow now, let's use the lower end, 200 mg NMN per day to evaluate each of the foods below and their potency in supplying us with a natural source of NMN. For each food source we will note their estimated NMN contents per 100g and how that measures up against the 200mg dose (%).

#1 Leafy Green Vegetables

leafy green vegetables is the best NMN super food

Leafy green vegetables, notably spinach and kale, are recognized for their high NMN content. Spinach, in particular, contains a significant concentration of NMN, as does kale, making them beneficial additions to a diet focused on cellular health. Broccoli, part of the cruciferous vegetable family, provides NMN along with essential nutrients, enhancing its nutritional value.

NMN content: The NMN content can vary depending on type of leafy green and method of preparation, but it is generally in the range of 0.25 - 2 mg/100g (0.1 - 1.0% of daily dose).

#2 Fruits

Fruits are food rich in NMN

Fruits such as avocados, tomatoes, and edamame provide also provide a relatively high amount of NMN. Avocados, known as a good source of healthy fat, contain NMN, adding to their nutritional profile. Tomatoes, rich in antioxidants, also contain NMN, providing additional health benefits. As does Edamame - young soybeans.

NMN content: Same as for leafy greens, the content vary but is generally in the 0.25-1.6 mg/100g range (0.1 - 0.8% of daily dose)

#3 Nut Sources

Nuts are rich in NMN

Nuts, including almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds, also offer noteworthy NMN levels, albeit lower than greens and fruits. Most nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, couple their NMN content with a healthy dosage of omega-3 fatty acids, which also contribute to cellular health. Chia seeds, despite their small size, also pack a nutritional punch, containing both NMN and essential fatty acids.

NMN content: Due to nuts often being dryer and NMN being a water soluble molecule there's a stark dropoff down to 0.1-0.5 mg/100g (0.05 - 0.25% of daily dose).

#4 Seafood

seafood rich in NMN such as fat fish

Certain seafood options, notably salmon and tuna, have decent NMN content. Salmon, a fatty fish, contains noteworthy levels of NMN along with omega-3 fatty acids, enhancing cardiovascular health and cellular function. Tuna, while slightly less fatty also contribute to both omega-3 and NMN.

NMN content: NMN content is generally in the range of 0.05-0.25 mg/100g (<0.2% of daily dose)

#5 Dairy Products

Dairy products rich in NMN

Dairy products, including milk and select cheeses, contain NMN. Milk, a staple in many diets, offers a practical source of NMN, making it easily accessible source. The same goes for many types of cheese.

NMN content: Like seagood, NMN content is generally in the range of 0.05-0.25 mg/100g (<0.2% of daily dose)

#6 Meat Options

NMN super foods cooked meats

Meats like beef and pork are sources of NMN, albeit in more modest quantities while also being protein-rich, offering a mix of muscle growth and cellular repair.

NMN content: NMN content is generally in a wide but low end of the range depending on type of meat and preparation. The range is 0.01-0.5 mg/100g (<0.3% of daily dose)

#7 Extra Boosts

NMN super foods mushroom herbs and green tea

Shiitake mushrooms, green tea, and culinary herbs such as parsley and cilantro can also be supplementary sources of NMN and are often cited in reports on NMN foods despite their relatively low proportion of NMN.

NMN content: NMN content for these also figure in the low end of the range at 0.05-0.25 mg/100g (<0.2% of daily dose)

NMN-Rich Foods Summary

For the very best of food sources, such as spinach, 100g will provide a maximum of 1% of the minimum recommended daily intake of 200 mg NMN. In other words, to reach 100% of the recommended intake you would need to eat 10 kg of spinach, which, unless you're Popeye, is probably not an attractive proposition.

Nonetheless, understanding the NMN content in these food categories is not without value. The NMN-rich food sources generally correlate well with nutrient rich foods that should figure in your longevity diet either way, such as spinach, kale, almonds, avocados and salmon.

All of which go well in everything from salads to smoothies and stir-fries. So packing in a few extra % NMN is just a bonus. Especially if you aim for a number below the lower end of the spectrum we defined up front.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Foods Are Naturally High in NMN for Anti-Aging?

Foods naturally high in NMN include leafy greens, certain fruits, nuts, seafood, dairy products, and meats. However, their NMN content is relatively low compared to supplements, so while beneficial for general health, they alone may not significantly impact NAD+ levels for major anti-aging effects.

How Can NMN-Rich Foods Boost NAD+ Levels Naturally?

NMN-rich foods can contribute to NAD+ levels, but the boost is relatively modest due to their low NMN content. Foods like leafy greens and fruits offer additional health benefits, but for significant NAD+ enhancement, supplementation might be necessary alongside a balanced diet.

Can Eating Foods High in NMN Improve Cellular Health?

While eating NMN-rich foods can support cellular health, their low NMN content means the impact is limited. Incorporating these foods into your diet provides general health benefits and may contribute slightly to improved cellular function.

What Vegetables and Fruits Are Best for NMN Content?

Leafy greens like spinach and kale, along with fruits such as avocados and tomatoes, are good for NMN content. However, their NMN levels are quite low, so they are better viewed as part of a holistic approach to health rather than a primary source of NMN.

Are There Any Dairy Products Rich in NMN?

Some dairy products contain NMN, but like other natural food sources, the concentration is low. Milk and certain cheeses can contribute to NMN intake, but they are not sufficient to rely on as a primary source for NMN.

How Do NMN Levels in Foods Compare to Supplements?

NMN levels in natural foods are significantly lower than what is available in supplements. While foods like greens and fruits provide some NMN, they fall short of the levels likely needed to achieve substantial anti-aging effects.

What Role Do NMN-Rich Foods Play in Healthy Aging?

NMN-rich foods can play a supporting role in healthy aging due to their nutrient content, but their low NMN levels mean they cannot fully address age-related NAD+ decline. A balanced diet, potentially supplemented with NMN, is advisable for comprehensive health benefits.

Can Regular Consumption of NMN Foods Enhance Energy Levels?

Regular consumption of NMN-rich foods can contribute to overall health, but the low NMN levels in these foods mean the impact on energy levels is limited. For significant energy enhancement related to NMN, additional supplementation may be necessary.




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